RDDC is a ministry of Red Door Church. We are a group of individuals with various backgrounds in deaf culture; whether it is deaf/HH, parents of deaf children, interpreters, or friends.
We offer an Interpreted worship service at 11:00 every Sunday morning. The Interpreter Ministry also offers voice and ASL interpreting for those who register for Red Door events.
We do not believe in “reinventing the wheel”. These Bible videos that are linked have been provided by such organizations as Deaf Harbor & Deaf Missions. They are trusted information to help as a supplement in your Bible Study as you read God’s Word. If you are interested in a Bible Study, please contact Beth and she will give you information on our Deaf Bible Study that meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30.
We offer an Interpreted worship service at 11:00 every Sunday morning. The Interpreter Ministry also offers voice and ASL interpreting for those who register for Red Door events.
We do not believe in “reinventing the wheel”. These Bible videos that are linked have been provided by such organizations as Deaf Harbor & Deaf Missions. They are trusted information to help as a supplement in your Bible Study as you read God’s Word. If you are interested in a Bible Study, please contact Beth and she will give you information on our Deaf Bible Study that meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30.

ASL Classes - Videos and Guides to help you practice your skills
ASL Alphabet - Step 1
ASL Alphabet - Step 2
Fingerspelling Quiz
Basic Signs 101
Deaf Devotional
Meet the Team:
Markie, Beth, Robin, + Diane.
Beth leads our Red Door Deaf Connection Team, you can reach out to her with any questions that you have!
Markie, Beth, Robin, + Diane.
Beth leads our Red Door Deaf Connection Team, you can reach out to her with any questions that you have!